Renewing Covenants through the Sacrament
"Since that upper room experience on the eve of Gethsemane and Golgotha, children of the promise have been under covenant to remember Christ's sacrifice in this newer, higher, more holy and personal way."1
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
We Renew Our Baptismal Covenants through the Sacrament
"When we are baptized, we take upon ourselves the sacred name of Jesus Christ. Taking upon us His name is one of the most significant experiences we have in life. . . .
"Each week in sacrament meeting we promise to remember the atoning sacrifice of our Savior as we renew our baptismal covenant. We promise to do as the Savior did—to be obedient to the Father and always keep His commandments. The blessing we receive in return is to always have His Spirit to be with us."2
Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
"I was with an eight-year-old girl on the day of her baptism. At the end of the day she said with all confidence, 'I have been baptized for a whole day, and I haven't sinned once!' But her perfect day did not last forever, and I am sure she is learning by now, like we all learn, that as hard as we try, we do not always avoid every bad situation, every wrong choice. . . .
" . . . It is not possible to make real change all by ourselves. Our own willpower and our own good intentions are not enough. When we make mistakes or choose poorly, we must have the help of our Savior to get back on track. We partake of the sacrament week after week to show our faith in His power to change us. We confess our sins and promise to forsake them."3
Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president.