Thursday, June 2, 2011

June Visiting Teaching

Strengthening Families through Temporal Self-Reliance

Developing self-reliance—the ability to care for ourselves and our families—is the responsibility of every sister. We become self-reliant as we learn to love work, as we seek inspiration to find the best ways to provide for ourselves, and as we work with family members to meet basic needs.

For the full Visiting teaching message click HERE.
For a really cute idea and handout for your ladies isit See Me Visit Teach Here. She has a super cute seeds packet that goes along with this months message.

Some Info from Women's Conference

Here are a few of the ideas and information shared at Women's Conference. If you taught a class and would like to add something to the blog please get in touch with Natalie Postl. Enjoy!

You can Find Food Storage idea's
Here and Here

You can find Scripture Study idea's
Here, Here, and Here.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Pictures From Women's Conference

Thank you to all those who attended and helped with Women's Conference! Enjoy the photos!

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Monday, May 16, 2011

Fontana Stake Women's Conference 2011

Please join us for our annual Women's Conference at the Fontana Stake Center on May 21st at 9 am.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

May Visiting Teaching Message

This month's message should be picked from one of the  General Conference Addresses given in April 2011. Here are a few idea's -

Call to Action, May 2011

In his Sunday morning address of the April 2011 general conference, President Thomas S. Monson said:
“If you have not yet been to the temple or if you have been but currently do not qualify for a recommend, there is no more important goal for you to work toward than being worthy to go to the temple. . . . Do nothing which will keep you from entering its doors and partaking of the sacred and eternal blessings there.”
President Monson encouraged members to “make whatever sacrifices are necessary to attend the temple and to have the spirit of the temple in our hearts and in our homes.“
How are you preparing to follow this prophetic call to action?
You can find President Monson's full talk here.

Another idea comes from See Me Visit Teach . The site has a cute purse handout that goes along with Elder cook's "parable of the Purse."

April Visiting Teaching Message

The Purpose of Relief Society
When our presidency was first called, we were given some resources about the history of Relief Society. We studied them prayerfully, wanting to know the purpose of Relief Society and what the Lord would have us do. We learned that the purpose of Relief Society as established by the Lord is to organize, teach, and inspire His daughters to prepare them for the blessings of eternal life.
To fulfill this purpose of Relief Society, the Lord has commissioned each sister and the organization as a whole to:
  1. Increase in faith and personal righteousness.
  2. Strengthen families and homes.
  3. Provide relief by serving the Lord and His children.
We can do this work in the Lord's way only when we seek, receive, and act on personal revelation. Without personal revelation, we cannot succeed. If we heed personal revelation, we cannot fail. The prophet Nephi instructs us that the Holy Ghost will show us "all things what [we] should do" (2 Nephi 32:5). We must allow ourselves to be still enough and quiet enough to listen to the voice of the Spirit.
Sisters, we have a vital role to play in helping build the kingdom of God and preparing for the Lord's coming. In fact, the Lord's work cannot be accomplished without the help of His daughters. Because of that, the Lord expects us to increase our offering. He expects us to fulfill the purpose of Relief Society as never before.
Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president.

From Our History

At a June 9, 1842, meeting of the Relief Society, the Prophet Joseph Smith taught the sisters that their society was "not only to relieve the poor, but to save souls."1 This statement of a spiritual as well as a temporal purpose has characterized Relief Society throughout its history. In 1906 President Joseph F. Smith (1838–1918) taught: "[Relief Society] has not only to deal with the necessities of the poor, the sick and the needy, but a part of its duty—and the larger part, too—is to look after the spiritual welfare and salvation of the mothers and daughters of Zion; to see that none is neglected, but that all are guarded against misfortune, calamity, the powers of darkness, and the evils that threaten them in the world."2 In 2001 Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles reiterated, "Every sister in this Church who has made covenants with the Lord has a divine mandate to help save souls, to lead the women of the world, to strengthen the homes of Zion, and to build the kingdom of God."

What Can I Do?
  1. What inspiration have I received to help my sisters increase in faith and personal righteousness and strengthen their families and homes? What relief can I provide?
  2. How will I use this message to strengthen my faith and increase my own commitment to personal righteousness?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

February Visiting Teaching Message

A Restoration of All Things
Ensign, February 2011

The Prophet Joseph Smith organized Relief Society as an essential part of the Church. As a presidency, we hope we can help you understand why Relief Society is essential in your life.
We know that New Testament women showed faith in Jesus Christ and participated in His work. Luke 10:39 tells of Mary, who "sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word." In John 11:27 Martha bears witness of Christ: "She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world." Acts 9:36, 39 speaks of "a certain disciple named Tabitha, . . . full of good works. . . . And all the widows stood by . . . shewing the coats and garments which [she] made." Phebe, in Romans 16:1–2, was "a servant of the church" and "a succourer of many."
These patterns of faith, testimony, and service continued in the latter-day Church and were formalized with the organization of Relief Society. Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president, taught: "Just as the Savior invited Mary and Martha of New Testament times to participate in His work, women of this dispensation have an official commission to participate in the Lord's work. . . . The organization of Relief Society in 1842 mobilized the collective power of the women and their specific assignments to build the Lord's kingdom."1
We accomplish our work as we focus on Relief Society's purposes: to increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and seek out and help those in need.
I testify that Relief Society was divinely organized to assist in the work of salvation. Each Relief Society sister has an essential role to play in accomplishing this sacred work.Silvia H. Allred, first counselor in the Relief Society general presidency.

From the Scriptures

From Our History
Sister Julie B. Beck has taught that "we know through the Prophet Joseph Smith that Relief Society was a formal part of the Restoration."2 The process of restoration began with the First Vision in 1820 and continued "line upon line, precept upon precept" (D&C 98:12). When the Relief Society was formally organized on March 17, 1842, the Prophet taught the women about their essential place in the restored Church. He said, "The Church was never perfectly organized until the women were thus organized."3

Sunday, January 2, 2011

January Visiting Teaching Message

The History and Heritage of Relief Society
Eliza R. Snow recalled the Prophet Joseph Smith teaching that "although the name [Relief Society] may be of modern date, the institution is of ancient origin."
Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, visited Joseph Smith and, through him, restored the fulness of the gospel to the earth. Relief Society was part of that restoration. The organization of the Church was not complete until the sisters were organized.
In the coming months, each Visiting Teaching Message will give us the opportunity to learn more about the history of Relief Society and its part in the restored gospel. For many reasons, understanding our history is not only important but essential.
First, an understanding of our history inspires us to be the women of God we need to be. By following the examples of noble Latter-day Saint women, we can learn from the past how to face the future.
Second, our history teaches that the same principles that existed in the early Church are our foundational principles today. This knowledge and our purposes—to increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and help those in need—draw a connection between our past and our present.
Third, as we value our history, we can better share our spiritual heritage. President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the First Presidency, said: "You pass the heritage along as you help others receive the gift of charity. … The history of Relief Society is recorded in words and numbers, but the heritage is passed heart to heart."
Finally, understanding our history helps make us an effective part of the future of Relief Society. President Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985) explained, "We know that women who have deep appreciation for the past will be concerned about shaping a righteous future."

Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president.
From the Scriptures
Esther 9:28–29; Romans 16:1–2; Alma 37:8; Moroni 7:45–47
From Our History
"Relief Society is the Lord's organization for women." In his capacity as a prophet, Joseph Smith organized the Relief Society on March 17, 1842. The small, diverse group at that first meeting were dedicated women, similar to Relief Society sisters today. "The youngest were three teenagers, and the oldest, a woman in her fifties. Eleven of the women were married, two were widows, six were unmarried, and the marital status of one is unknown. Their education and backgrounds varied greatly, as did their economic circumstances. Their diversity would be magnified many times as the organization's membership continued to grow, but they were and would continue to be one."